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July 30, 2015 Meeting: Landmark Forum

July 30, 2015

Collette Millar, Western Canada Registration Manager for the Landmark Forum, presented “ A Special Introduction to the Landmark Forum” to The Square Peg Society young adult members and their families.

It was a fun-filled evening that provided an opportunity to make a difference in each and everyone’s life.

The Introduction to the Landmark Forum was a 3 hour working session.  During the first half of the evening, Square Peg Society members were offered the opportunity to create a possibility in an area of life that was not working for them, or not working as well as they would like it to.  The last half of the evening was about what happens at each 3 day and 1 evening Landmark Forum, and the opportunity to register and reserve a seat at the Landmark Forum, which is held monthly.

Landmark offers the following (copyright – Landmark Worldwide, 2012-2014):

“Live an extraordinary life

Open doors that yield benefits both practical and profound in the quality of your relationships, your personal productivity, and in the difference you’re out to make.

Redefine what’s possible

Gain the power to be effective in the areas that matter most to you, and a freedom to be at ease in any circumstance.

Create a future of your own design

Bring about positive and permanent shifts in the quality of your life.  Experience breakthroughs – not as random, inexplicable accidents, but as deliberate, achievable results.”

Colette Millar led the “Introduction to the Landmark Forum” and brought her adult daughter, Deb, with her to the meeting.  Deb has a cognitive disability, and is high-functioning.  As well, Deb is a graduate of the Landmark Forum and other Landmark courses.  What the Landmark Forum did for Deb, was to remove the filters of how she saw herself, and of how she thought other people saw her.  Before the Landmark Forum, Deb was extremely shy, and communicated very little.  Today, Deb is a highly communicative, and is becoming a more independent young woman.  Deb now assists at Landmark in the office, and with the set-up of the rooms for the many programs that Landmark offers to its guests.  Deb is a valued member of the Landmark community and a delight to be around. As for Colette, she feels that taking the Landmark Forum took away her filters of her daughter as being unable to be anything but dependent upon her and her family forever.  Through the Landmark Forum, Colette was able to let go of her filters and fears, to allow Deb to become the wonderful, active, outgoing person that she is today.

Janet Alcee, an Adult Family Member of the Square Peg Society and high functioning autistic, is registered to take the Landmark Forum at the end of October 2015.  Janet is excited about taking this program.  It is said that once you register for this program, the program begins for you.  This has already been seen in Janet.  Janet is exercising and watching what she eats.  She is actively looking for work, with the assistance of PosAbilities Employment Services.  Janet has also joined Toastmasters through PosAbilities, and is an active member, attending bi-weekly meetings.  Today Janet is not afraid to speak up, is clear on her rights, and is actively living her life.

The effect of the “Introduction to the Landmark Forum” on Catherine Alcee – mother to Janet, was to make Catherine realize that she has filters when it comes to Janet.  Catherine realized that if her goal is to help Janet to become a totally independent young woman – which Janet wants, then Catherine must stop over-protecting Janet and allow her the freedom to live her life, to make her own choices, and to learn from both her mistakes and her successes. This realization, and letting go was scary for Catherine.  However, since the “Introduction to the Landmark Forum”, led by Colette, Catherine has been stepping back and not jumping in to help Janet as she had done in the past.  Also, Catherine is allowing Janet to make her own decisions, especially in her job search.

The event was a success, and an introduction to new tools that may help some or all of Square Peg Society members and their adult high-functioning family members.

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July 30, 2015
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Event time is in Vancouver BC time.