
Inclusive Employment Internships

We welcomed  Jillian Bradley of Mentorability. Jillian Bradley is the Co-Director of Employment Initiatives for Inclusion BC. She will be speaking to us about the MentorAbility program. In this program, job seekers with disabilities are paired with individual mentors in the industry that they would like to work in.


Inclusive Employment Internships

We welcomed Odette Dantzer, of WorkAble.  Odette Dantzer is the Program Lead for Work-Able, a 12-month paid internship program that hires recent post-secondary graduates with disabilities. Interns gain public service experience while increasing their personal growth, skill development, knowledge, and confidence. Overall, since the Work-Able program began in 2015-2016, there has been a 59 percent retention rate in the BC Public Service.  


Employment: Inclusive Employment Programs

PosAbilities Employment Service Tammy McEvoy, & Terrance Mansaray, Employment Specialists Tammy & Terrance will describe how they advocate for & support individuals with “disversabilities” in finding employment. This includes a complete process of personal discovery, finding employment, job coaching and job maintenance. They help people in transitioning to new positions, in building independence in the workplace, and they maintain an on-going connection with their clients to help them work through challenges that may arise along the way. Back In Motion…


SPS Games & Gathering in January 2021

Online Board & Party Games With Crystal Lee-Clark & Cailey Morgan Free event, but registration required. Limited number of participants, sign up early for this event!


SPS Acting Workshop: Working As An Actor

Week 4: Working As An Actor With Laura Drummond, Actor & Educator & Crystal Lee Clark, Behaviour Analyst This workshop is for any adult interested in exploring acting, either to audition interested in exploring acting, to audition for acting roles or for personal development. Below is the video summary  of the Acting Workshop from Dec 8, 2020 to Jan 5, 2021:


SPS Acting Workshop: Scene Work

Week 3: Scene Work With Laura Drummond, Actor & Educator & Crystal Lee Clark, Behaviour Analyst This workshop is for any adult interested in exploring acting, either to audition interested in exploring acting, to audition for acting roles or for personal development.


SPS Acting Workshop: Working With Scripts

Week two: Working With Scripts With Laura Drummond, Actor & Educator & Crystal Lee Clark, Behaviour Analyst This workshop is for any adult interested in exploring acting, either to audition interested in exploring acting, to audition for acting roles or for personal development.


Financial Literacy: Credit Card Use & Credit History

Financial Literacy:  Credit Card Use & Credit History Our speaker was Kylie Pettifer, an "Each One, Teach One" trainer, and a Specialist in Community Partnerships and Engagement, Community Investment, with Vancity Credit Union.


SPS Acting Workshop: Acting Basics & Confidence Building

With Laura Drummond, Actor & Educator & Crystal Lee Clark, Behaviour Analyst This workshop is for any adult interested in exploring acting, either to audition interested in exploring acting, to audition for acting roles or for personal development.  


Employment: Getting Past the Barriers

Sarah Armstrong, Navigator, Youth and Adult Services, & Ross MacMillan, Employer Engagement Specialist, Canucks Autism Network , The Ready, Willing & Able Employment Program Anjela Godber, Employment Works Coordinator, Pacific Autism Family Network EmploymentWorks Employment Program Bringing Employers On Board: Barb Kalashnikov, CCDP, Employer & Community Coordinator, & Ken Inaba, Customized Employment Coordinator, Burnaby WorkBC Educating Employers Employer Expectations


Inclusive Employment: Employers and ASD Employees Talk About Work

Speaker: Karen D. Bopp, PhD (she, her, hers) Director of Provincial Outreach | Adjunct Professor Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism (CIRCA) UBC Department of Educational Counselling, Psychology and Special Education (ECPS) Many employers would like to be inclusive in their hiring practices, but feel that they do not know what behaviours to expect from an autistic employee, and many ASD individuals want to work, but lack work experience, or have had unsuccessful employment experiences. Dr. Karen Bopp…


Event time is in Vancouver BC time.