
Employment: Getting Past the Barriers

Sarah Armstrong, Navigator, Youth and Adult Services, & Ross MacMillan, Employer Engagement Specialist, Canucks Autism Network , The Ready, Willing & Able Employment Program Anjela Godber, Employment Works Coordinator, Pacific Autism Family Network EmploymentWorks Employment Program Bringing Employers On Board: Barb Kalashnikov, CCDP, Employer & Community Coordinator, & Ken Inaba, Customized Employment Coordinator, Burnaby WorkBC Educating Employers Employer Expectations


Inclusive Employment: Employers and ASD Employees Talk About Work

Speaker: Karen D. Bopp, PhD (she, her, hers) Director of Provincial Outreach | Adjunct Professor Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism (CIRCA) UBC Department of Educational Counselling, Psychology and Special Education (ECPS) Many employers would like to be inclusive in their hiring practices, but feel that they do not know what behaviours to expect from an autistic employee, and many ASD individuals want to work, but lack work experience, or have had unsuccessful employment experiences. Dr. Karen Bopp…


Reflections on Independent ASD and Parent Meeting

Thursday November 29, 2018,Reflections on Our Meeting   A small, but passionate & articulate group of parents gathered to talk about our ASD adult children, their issues and lives, and our lives with them, as we try to guide them to independence.  Based upon our 5 key issues:  Post-secondary education, Employment, Housing,Life & Social Skills, and Mental Health, I compiled a collection of concerns and examples, to provide food for thought. We didn’t cover all of the list below, but…


Bias in Disability- “How Others See You”

    Meeting Thursday, June 21, 2018 Bias in Disability- “How Others See You” Speakers: Dr. Grace Iarocci & Nicki Scheerer       Dr. Grace Iarocci and Dr. Nikki Scheerer  presented to us their recent research on bias in disability. They are looking at how unconscious and first impressions fairly or unfairly, contribute to one’s assessment, and consequently, treatment of an individual. While this research is in very early stages, the intention is to direct their findings to improving…


Of Interest

Event time is in Vancouver BC time.