Square Peg Society Accessibility Legislation Report Back Nov 2019 (presentation)
Thursday November 29, 2018,Reflections on Our Meeting A small, but passionate & articulate group of parents gathered to talk about our ASD adult children, their issues and lives, and our lives with them, as we try to guide them to independence. Based upon our 5 key issues: Post-secondary education, Employment, Housing,Life & Social Skills, and Mental Health, I compiled a collection of concerns and examples, to provide food for thought. We didn’t cover all of the list below, but…
February 15, 2018 ‘A Home of My Own’, Part Two Speakers: Sue McIntyre & Julie Lebrun, St. Andrew’s United Church, Multi-Use Church Property Re-development Liz & Doug Cochran, Finding/Developing Integrated Housing for our Adult Children St. Andrew’s United Church: The Re-development of Our Church Property www.sauc.ca The St. Andrew’s Housing Society was formed as part of the redevelopment of St. Andrew’s United Church in Port Moody, BC. Sue and Julie presented their planning process to date.…
Presentation: A Home of My Own Speaker: Ross Chilton CEO Community Living Society (CLS), January 18th 2017 Below Notes taken by Joette Many of the calls of concern from families coming to organizations such as CLS are about housing and affordability. This is reflective of the gap between the Disability monthly housing allowance of $375.00 and the average price of a one-bedroom apartment at $1,600 – $2,000. The existing crisis, particularly in the Lower Mainland, but also in other cities…