
Families Like Mine

Are you interested in sharing ideas, experiences & feelings with other parents, grandparents & caregivers? Our topic this month: Moving on from winter – checking in on our families’ screen/online time – do we/should we limit this? Are we (and our kids) getting the in-person, social time that we want and need? New!  You will earn a Frequent Friendly Face point for each event attended. Top point scorers will receive a gift card at the end of June. Please register…



Families Like Mine

Are you interested in sharing ideas, experiences & feelings with other parents, grandparents & caregivers? Our topic this month: Our summer plans – our thoughts on self-care over the summer, as well as setting a goal for some fun time with our adult kids! New!  You will earn a Frequent Friendly Face point for each event attended. Top point scorers will receive a gift card at the end of June. Please register for the event to get the Zoom link.



Families Like Mine

An Online Gathering Are you interested in sharing ideas, experiences & feelings with other parents, grandparents & caregivers?   After the summer, we would like to catch up on where are we now, and what we would like to aim for in our families this year?   New!  You will earn a Frequent Friendly Face point for each event attended. Top point scorers will receive a gift card at the end of June.   Please register for the event to…


Event time is in Vancouver BC time.