This month’s movie is the Animated Biopic “The Wind Rises” from 2013 starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Jiro Horikoshi and Emily Blunt as Nahoko Satomi.

How would one describe this film? A beautifully animated film that captivates you from start to finish with its visuals and storytelling.

What exactly is the plot of the first season? From acclaimed director Hayao Miyazaki, this anime film chronicles the life of mechanical engineer Jiro Horikoshi from his childhood at the turn of the 20th century to his work designing Japanese fighter planes, the most famous being the “Zero”, during World War II. This is a personal, coming of age story through the course of two World Wars, from the perspective of a Japanese man.


Runtime: 126 minutes (2 hours and 6 minutes)

Rating: G

Fun Fact: Human voices are largely used as sound effects, such as engine roars and earthquake sound.

How to See it: It is currently streaming on Netflix & can be purchased from Google Play, YouTube, and Apple TV.

Personal Rating: 8/10

Personal Feelings: I had originally watched this movie several years ago and had struggled to find it again until now and I can say that it is just as good as the first time I watched it. Though it may be a bit of a bias due to my personal love of aviation.

Join us on Thursday, June 22nd, 7:30pm PT and let us know what you think!

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